The electronic music magazine.
With a deep understanding of electronic music’s roots and a passion for its future, Electronic Sound places the music in a wider context of culture and technology. This unique blend of high calibre music journalism and lifestyle content makes it the essential music magazine.
In-depth coverage of the current scene, the pioneers, the machines, and the current thinking of the electronic music world. We're committed to connecting the dots from the early days, right up to today.
High calibre journalism.
Beautiful design.
And it smells nice too.
Buy individual back issues direct from us, or sign up to the Electronic Sound Bundle and receive the magazine every month together with exclusive and expertly curated music releases.
We strive to bring you the best, most collectable, limited edition music releases each month. CD albums, seven-inch vinyl singles, digital downloads. All expertly curated by the very same team that produces the magazine.
Previous Bundle music releases include Underworld, Devo, Karl Bartos, Hannah Peel, Ultravox, Amon Tobin, John Foxx, Gudrun Gut, Radiophonic Workshop, and more.
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