Issue 78 PDF Edition

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This month's Electronic Sound cover star is Jason Pierce, aka J Spaceman, the main man of cosmic kings Spiritualized. We've had Jason in our sights since the announcement of the Spaceman Reissue Program, which sees the re-release of VIP editions of Spiritualized's first four albums, including 'Pure Phase' and 'Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space'. He has always been a high quality interviewee and we found him in terrific form, happy to chat about whatever we threw at him and serving up a cracking Kraftwerk tale along the way.

We're nothing without great stories, which is handy because we have Anni Hogan, John Grant, Moby, Hattie Cooke and Peace Chord in this issue too. To a man and woman, they’ve all got stuff to say. We also have an extract from 'Babble On An' Ting', a new book about Alex Paterson, plus pieces on ESG, Penelope Trappes, Andrew Hung and lots more besides... T-minus 30 seconds and counting... Astronauts report it feels good...

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