Issue 106 PDF


Digital Edition of Electronic Sound Issue 106

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Digital Edition of Electronic Sound Issue 106

Digital Edition of Electronic Sound Issue 106

We are celebrating 60 years of 'Doctor Who' with the help of The Radiophonic Workshop in the new issue of Electronic Sound.

Our cover story boasts an amazing cast of Radiophonic Workshop members, with Brian Hodgson, Dick Mills, Paddy Kingsland, Roger Limb, Peter Howell and Mark Ayres recalling those halcyon days at the BBC's famous Maida Vale Studios. There are tons of 'Doctor Who' anecdotes, of course, but they also talk about some of their other wonderful work for BBC television and radio programmes over the many decades. It's a lengthy and highly entertaining read and it begins with a mighty strange tale about "two mad scientists and a moon maiden". They certainly broke the mould when they made the Radiophonic folk. 

We have more Radiophonica this issue with a piece on Delia Derbyshire's 'Inventions For Radio', an early 1960s collaboration with British playwright Barry Bermange. We speak to David Butler from the Delia Derbyshire Archive about this unique sound collage, an extract of which appears on the flip side of this month's seven-inch. Keep turning the pages for interviews with Gazelle Twin, Maria Uzor, James HoldenJlin, Fantastic TwinsSextile and Colleen “Cosmo” Murphy too. As ever, it's all top quality stuff. 

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